Haji Information Centre
Haji Information Centre
The Chairman
Andaman Nicobar State Haj Committee
C/o. Island Travels (P)Ltd., Aberdeen Bazar, Port Blair – 744 101, Andoman & Nicobar. | |
03192-233051 | |
03192-230781 | |
anhaj [dot] committee [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Ghouse Lazam Chairman
Andhra Pradesh State Haj Committee
Andhra Pradesh State Haj Committee, A. P. Haj House, Razzak Manzil, Public Garden Road, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001, Andhra Pradesh. | |
040-23298793 | |
040-23236310 | |
b.s.ghouselazam70 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Nakibur Zaman
Assam State Haj Committee
Government of Assam, Office of The Joint STATE HAJ COMMITTEE ASSAM, MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MIZORAM ETC., 2nd Floor, Old Building, Kar Bhawan Complex Ganeshguri, Dist : GUWAHATI- 781 006, Assam. | |
0361-2237296 | |
0361-2229296 | |
shcassam [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Mr. Abdul Haque Chairman
Bihar State Haj Committee
Bihar State Haj Committee, Haj Bhawan, 34, Ali Imam Path(Harding Road), Patna - 800 001, Bihar. | |
0612-2203315 | |
0612-2201665 | |
biharstatehajcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com |
The Chairman
Chandigarh State Haj Committee
U. T. Chandigarh, Room No.: 23, 1st Floor, Estate Office Building, Sector - 17, Chandigarh - 160 001 | |
0172-2700053 | |
0172-2700053 |
Mr. Mohammed Aslam Khan
Chhattisgarh, State Haj Committee
Chattisgarh State Haj Committee, Mukharjee Compound Byron Bazar, Raipur - 492 001 Chattisgarh. Res.: Near Masjid, Nayapara, Raipur - 492001, Chhattisgarh. | |
0771-4266646 | |
0771-4049289 | |
cg_hajcommittee [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
The Chairman
Dadar & Nagar Haveli State Haj Committee
Dadra & Nagar Haveli State Haj Committee, Collector Office, Silvassa - 396 230, Dadra & Nagar Haveli. | |
0260 - 2642340 | 2642106 | |
asha [dot] chaudhary81 [at] nic [dot] in |
The Chairman
Daman & Diu State Haj Committee
Daman & Diu State Haj Committee, Administration of Daman & Diu Office of the Collector, Daman - 396 220, Daman Diu. | |
0260 - 2230922 | 2230689 | 2230698 | |
0260 - 2230049 |
Ms. Kausar Jahan
Delhi State Haj Committee
Delhi State Haj Committee. | |
011 - 23230507 | |
011 - 23234041 | |
delhistatehajcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com |
Shir Urfan Mulla
Goa State Haj Committee
Goa State Haj Committee, Shop No.: 20 / 21, OSIA Mall, Near KTC Bus Stand, Margao, Goa. | |
0832 - 6573435 |
Mr. Iqbaal Sayed
Gujarat State Haj Committee
Gujarat State Haj Committee, Block No.: 08, 8th Floor, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar - 382010, Gujarat. | |
079 - 23254265 | 22180410 | |
079 - 23247182 | 23250987 | |
hajcommitteegujarat [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Mr. Mohsin Choudhary
Haryana State Haj Committee
Haryana Sehri Vikas Pradhikaran Complex, (HSSVP, HUDA), Sector-6, Panchkula, Haryana. | |
0172 - 2740229 | 2740526 | |
haryanahaj [at] gmail [dot] com |
The Chairman
Himachal Pradesh State Haj Committee
Himachal Pradesh State Haj Committee, Home "C" Department, 4th Floor, Room No.: 405, Armsadle Bldg , Secretariat, Shimla - 170002, Himachal Pradesh. | |
0177 - 2626450 | 2621907 | |
0177 - 2621154 | |
hajcommitteegujarat [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Ms. Safeena Baig
Union Territory Jammu & Kashmir State Haj Committee
Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir , J & K Bauitul Hujaj (Haj House Bemina), Srinagar - 190017. | |
0194 - 2495367 | 2491456 | |
0194 - 2491456 | |
jkstatehaj [at] gmail [dot] com |
Dr. Irfan Ansari
Jharkhand State Haj Committee
Audrey House, Kanke Road, Ranchi - 834 004, Jharkhand. | |
0651 - 2283100 | 2400890 | |
jharkhandstatehajcommittee [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
Mr. S. Zulfiqar Ahamed Khan
Karnataka State Haj Committee
Haj Bhavan, Sy. No.57/17, Thirumanehalli, Next to KNS College, R.K. Hegde Nagar Kogilu Road, Bangalore - 560 064, Karnataka. | |
080 - 28567673 | |
080 - 28567681 | |
info [at] karhaj [dot] in |
Dr. Hussain Sakhafi Chullikkodu
Kerala State Haj Committee
Kerala State Haj Committee, Haj House, Calicut Airport, P. O. Mallapuram - 673 647, Kerala. | |
0483 - 2710717 | 2717571 | |
0483 - 2717572 | |
keralahajcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com |
The Chairman
Lakshadweep State Haj Committee
Union Teritory of Lakshadweep State Haj Committee, Indra Gandhi Road, Kavarati Island, Kavarati - 682 555, Lakshadweep. | |
04896 - 262321 | |
04896 - 262368 |
The Chairman
Executive Officer Ladakh UT Haj Committee
Revenue Department, UT Secretariat Ladakh | |
01982 - 257561 | |
01982 - 257435 | |
executiveofficerhajladakh [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Mr. Rafat Warsi, Chairman,
Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee
Madhya Pradesh State Haj Committee, Gram Singarholi, Behind Gulmohar Garden, Airport Road, Bhopal-462036, Madhya Pradesh. | |
0755 - 2530139 | |
0755 - 2538039 | |
mpshcbhopal [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Mr. Aasif Usman Khan
Maharashtra State Haj Committee
Maharashtra State Haj Committee, S.S. Musafirkhana, Ground Floor, L. T. Marg, Mumbai - 400 001. Maharashtra. | |
022 - 22626786 | 22678679 | |
mshc [at] indiatimes [dot] com |
Shri Y. Antas Khan
Manipur State Haj Committee
Manipur State Haj Committee, 2nd Floor, Hatta Minuthong, Near Traffic Point, Imphal Est, Manipur -795001. | |
0385-2461063 | 2454586 | |
0385 - 2461063 | |
manipurstatehajcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com |
The Chairman
Odisha State Haj Committee
Orissa State Haj Committee, Old Secretariat, Cuttak - 753 001, Orissa. | |
0671 - 2301185 |
Haji Y. Ismai
Pudducherry State Haj Committee
Poducherry State Haj Committee, No.1, Yanam Venkatachalapillai Street, Poducherry - 605 001. | |
0413 - 2343268 | 2233254 | |
0413 - 2222344 | |
pondicherrystate [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Mr. Mufti Mohammad Khalil Qasmi
Punjab State Haj Committee
Punjab State Haj Committee, Room No.: 9, 7th Floor, Sector - 21, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh -160 001, Punjab. | |
0172 - 2747641 | |
rashidkhilji907 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Amin Kaqzi
Rajasthan State Haj Committee
Rajasthan State Haj Committee Home (GR-III) Dept. Government Secretariat, Jaipur - 302 005, Rajasthan. | |
0141 - 2227016 | |
0141 - 2227016 |
Mr. Thiru. A. Abdul Jabbar
Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee
Tamilnadu State Haj Committee, 3rd Floor, Rosy Tower No.: 13 (Old No.: 7), Mahatma Gandhi Road, Numgambakkam High Road, Chennai - 600 034, Tamil Nadu. | |
044 - 28252519 | |
044 - 28276980 | |
tnchs.chennai [at] gmail [dot] com |
Janab Mohammed Saleem
Telangana State Haj Committee
Telangana State Haj Committee, A. P. Haj House, Razzak Manzil, Public Garden Road Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001, Telangana. | |
040 - 23298793 | |
040 - 23236310 | |
telanganastatehajcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Shah Alam
Tripura State Haj Committee
Tripura State Haj Committee, Secretariate Complex, Agartala - 799 001, Tripura. | |
0381 - 2325841 | |
0381 - 2327583 | |
trpshc [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Mohsin Raza
Uttar Pradesh State Haj Committee
Uttar Pradesh State Haj Committee, 10 - A, Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow - 226 001, Uttar Pradesh. | |
0522 - 2620980 | |
0522 - 2622458 | |
mohsinrazabjp [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mr. Khatib Ahmed
State Minister & Chairman
Uttarakhand State Haj Committee
Uttrakhand State Haj Committee, Uttarakhand Haj House, Peeran Kaliyar, Roorkee, Haridwar - 247 667, Uttarakhand. | |
01332 - 297520 | |
01332 - 297522 |
Mohammed Nadimul Haque, M.P.
West BengalState Haj Committee
West Bengal Haj Committee, Haj House (Baitul Hujjaj), 26 - B Dilkhusha Street, Kolkatta - 700 017, West Bengal. | |
0522 - 22141562 | |
0522 - 22870274 | 22903617 |